MH light period


Premium Member
How long is a good time period for MH to be on? I have acclimated my corals already. I kept my PCs on for about 13hr but that sounds too long for the MH. Also is there any reason not to split the on time such as 5hr in the morning and 5 hr in the evening? Trying to get my lights timed so they are on when I am home before and after work.
6--8 hrs is good... i have mine on for 6 during the summer and 8 during the winter (heat issues)
I leave my MH on for 8 hrs. They are on when I leave for work in the AM and off when I get home. My frag tank MH come on at midnight and off at 8AM. I have my fans on a timer, as well. They come on when the MH come on and stay on an hour after they go off.
i just backed mine down from 8 to 7. and i staggered them. on mh on first then the other 45 minutes later. one off then the other 45 minutes later.