Micro Bubbles on my 240


New member
I know that I'm running too much flow through my sump and thats why I'm getting all the bubbles but are there ways to make this work?
I have a bubble trap with 3 dividers and are considering adding more if that would help. I would add 2 more dividers on each side of the existing.

I'm using a dart as my return pump. Obviously thats too much pump. Since I have about $200 in the pump I would like to keep it.
My overflow is a durso and producing a large amout of bubbles also.

I've tried using filter socks but I don't like them because of the cleaning and the backpressure on the overflow.

Any other ideas? or do you think the added bubble traps will help? The trap that I have now does ok job but not even close to being enough
if you think the problem is too much flow why don't you install a ballvalve on the pump output and crank it down a little, it will use less electricity and make your sump work better with less flow/more contact time. you could also simply install a reducer/small locline at the return which would essentially do the same thing
when I slow down the pump the overflow does not seem to produce fewer bubbles. When I start to mess with the valves it makes me nervous because tank level and sump level start to change dramatically with very small changes. I've attempted to slow down the overflow as well but then very small changes cause tank level to get dangerously high.
I think I just need to keep experimenting with slowing down the pump.
how many over flow return do you have?Do you have a picture of your set up?it will be much easier for us to help you out.
Post some pics... Front , back and undernieth.

How new is the system?
How big is the sump?
How many drains?
How big are they?
How many returns?
How big are they?
Do you have an in-sump skimmer that is breaking in that could be part of the problem?
I will try to post some pics

The over flow is a single 1 1/2" Durso going to a 65 gallon sump. The returns are two 1" split into double 3/4" locline.

Skimmer does not seem to be causing a problem.

Maybe some pictures would help.
I tried to turn down the valves last night some more. I think that might be the best alternative.

thanks for the help
With a single 1.5" drain... It would be hard to get more than 1300 gph into your sump. I would say that your pump is hugely over rated.

I think your durso is making a lot of bubbles and maybe even noise? because your pump is forcing more water thru it than it is designed to handle.

You might consider making your Dart into a CL pump and getting a smaller pump for your return. Even if your tank is not drilled for a closed loop... it would be easy to do.
I already have a dart on a closed loop. The idea was that I would have a backup pump if either was to fail. Maybe wasn't such a good idea. The dart should be able to be dialed back to 400gph. I know I'm not getting the 3600 now with all the plumbing and restrictions.
I will try that. That sounds like a great solution. I have plenty of rubble. Did that solve your problem completely? How much flow did you have? What type of pump?

I turned my dart down to about 125 watts and bubbles are much less. A dart would appear to be overkill but when you turn them down they really aren't too bad. Still quiet and comparing pumps, 125 watts seems to be low for the kind of flow I'm getting. Plus I have a backup with the closed loop or vice versa.