Miflex Hoses


My complete set of new Miflex hoses arrived today! :bounce1:

For those that are not familier with them, they are about 1/2 the weight of traditional hoses, slightly smaller in diameter (the HP hose is tiny!), and are rated to nearly twice the pressures as traditional hoses and have a braided nylon covering that is very similar to the "add on" cosmetic/protective mesh coverings that many of us use.

I went with the following sizes in all black:
  • 84" LP ~ Primary
  • 22" LP ~ Alternate on necklace
  • 22" QD ~ BC
  • 24" HP ~ SPG
Our LDS sells the Miflex hoses, but only the standard LP lengths, so these are the only full set they have ever ordered or seen. Until I placed the order, they were not yet aware that the HP & QD hoses were even available yet. I was also really amazed at the way they charged me for them, and I actually asked if they made enough money on them because they simply took the Leisure Pro order form that I had printed and gave them to use as a proper length and part number reference, and billed me the same amount as if I were to have ordered directly from Leisure Pro. To be honest, I had expected and planned to pay about $50 more for the setup, but simply wanted to make sure that I gave them (my LDS) the sale since I bought the Halcyon BP/W and HOG Reg sets from the manufacturers' primary distributors.

If all goes well, I'll get in a pool session with the LDS next week, as long as they don't finish their classs tonight... They said there is about a 50/50 chance that there will still be a session next week, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

Oh yeah; the new shiny black Miflex hoses look awesome with the new shiny black HOG regs & the shiny black chrome HOG 1st stage, and even more so when connected to my shiny red tanks! :D
[/RULE 6]

Awesome! Photos?

Congrats on a great purchase... You'll have to tell us all how they wear.

It's great that your LDS is willing to work price for you like that. :)

Any idea what your total investment is, then, for your reg set? I'm talking about including both second stages, first stage, SPG and DIR-length Miflex hoses?

When you switch to doubles, you'll need a different wing, a set of bands and a manifold, another first stage and a 24" backup reg hose (you may find the 22" too short for doubles - that hose connects to the LEFT first stage)... So switching to doubles will be relatively painless for you.

It'll also perform exactly the same as your single rig... That is, you won't have to learn any new positioning, so all of your "muscle memory" will be the same whether your diving a single tank or doubles.

I can't wait to see your reg set in person. :) I bet it's super-sharp!
Awesome! Photos?

Congrats on a great purchase... You'll have to tell us all how they wear.
No total system pics yet, but I'll try to get them over the weekend.

It's great that your LDS is willing to work price for you like that. :)
Yeah, I was pretty shocked that they didn't bump the price more.

Any idea what your total investment is, then, for your reg set? I'm talking about including both second stages, first stage, SPG and DIR-length Miflex hoses?
(4) Hoses = $177
(1) 1st Stage = $169
(2) 2nd Stages = $198
(1) SPG = $55
Total = $599

That's not bad at all considering I would have paid that for just a set of Apeks XTX50 regs w/o the hoses or SPG

When you switch to doubles, you'll need a different wing, a set of bands and a manifold, another first stage and a 24" backup reg hose (you may find the 22" too short for doubles - that hose connects to the LEFT first stage)... So switching to doubles will be relatively painless for you.

It'll also perform exactly the same as your single rig... That is, you won't have to learn any new positioning, so all of your "muscle memory" will be the same whether your diving a single tank or doubles.
I'm already working on those... :D
What are your thoughts on a SPG for the (R) 1st stage..? I only ask because I've yet to actually see anyone selling or even suggesting setting up a doubles rig like that, but should you ever need to isolate a tank, depending upon which side is turned off, you could be SOL!

I can't wait to see your reg set in person. :) I bet it's super-sharp!
If it ever warms up, we can make that happen! :)

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Wow... $600 for an entire singles setup! Holy smokes...

It really puts it into perspective when you consider that even seasoned shoppers usually spend between $1200 and $1500 for regs that aren't as nice as the HOGs.

...And to think that that price includes the fancy Miflex hoses... Wow...

I doubt they'll ever make an SPG in black chrome - HOG is simply relabeling their gear - they're not an actual manufacturer. It would be up to that Italian gauge company that we spoke of before - the ones making the SPG - to decide to use black chrome... And I've never seen them do any gauge but the thick, pretty chrome finish that you have.

An SPG for the right post... Interesting idea... I could tell you my opinion on that, but suffice to say that it's something that you should bring up to your instructor during your Fundies class. :)
The closest comp price that I could locate would be through the Scuba Store that you linked me too, and for their Apeks Tek setup.


To compare apples to apples however, you would have to add another $169 to my HOG/Miflex system for a second 1st stage, and another $12 for the necklace for a total of $780, then add at least another $70 to the Scuba Store setup for an SPG and then yet another $70 or so for standard BC and HP hoses if you didn't already have them. Thus you're looking at 1000+ for a comparable system...

With the HOG regs however, once I take the class to entitle me to do my own reg servicing, I will be able to save a lot of money in that regard in the future.

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The HOG's also appear to breathe every bit as well as the Cressi's out of water, and maybe even just a bit better... Unlike my Cressi's, they have functional user adjustment knobs that make very noticible changes in breathing pressures and are good for up to 100%!
Yeah, that's how the Apeks are, too... The real test would be to try them both at 100' - performance (either good or bad) is amplified when the gas is thicker from the pressure at depth.

Again, these look remarkably like a set of Apeks ATX-series regs... Which would be great. I'm not as much a fan of Apeks' new XTX series as much as I was a fan of their ATX series.

So far, the HOGs seem to be really impressive. Still not a fan of the turreted first stage, but I suspect that they'll soon be making a DS4 clone...
I have been informed that they are essentially an 8 year old ATX. Since patents typically expire after 7 years, it would stand to reason that this is precisely what it is. ;)

Granted, they are quite a bit heavier than what I'm accustomed to, but after removing the weight differential of the hoses, I'm probably right back where I was and possibly even lighter weight than before since these hoses weigh so much less.

Yeah, but when you're talking about weight, what they weigh in the air is a moot point... What you want to do is measure what they weigh in the water.

...And the closer to neutral they are, the better. If you can't get them neutral, then you want them negative - so that each pound added is one less pound that you've got to put on your weight belt. :)

For what it's worth, ALL hoses are positively buoyant, so "lightweight" hoses are a moot point.

...Which is one reason why I never understood the appeal of titanium regulators... Ya can't use them with 100% oxygen, the materials make the regulator system floaty, and for these disadvantages - I pay more?

Just doesn't make any sense. :)

If these are truly an 8 year-old Apeks ATX series regulator, then they're something really great. :)