Millipora Polyp extension


New member
Hey guys,

For the last week or so my two milleporas have not been expanding their polyps. Any ideas why this is happening?

In order to answer your questions we are going to need information about your set up as well as your water parameters.
I havent tested the water yet but the tank description is in my signature. I added a filter sock that I have been cleaning by rinsing it out with tap water. I was thinking that this could be the culprit. I am going to take it out for a while and see what happens.
Any new fish? If something starts munching on the polyps, they will suck them back in and not let them out for awhile.

Mille's are a AEFW favorite .

But other than that normal tells us nothing .

Params tell us more ;)
Your phosphates are high, your nitrates are high, your ph is low, your calcium is way to low, your alkalinity is off the charts! Stop dosing all that copper too! Those are possibilities, have no way to tell without your params though :)