Mini Tank at work... 2.5 gal... 3 wks old


I just want to share my little project tank !!!
Thanks JAY212 for the frags....

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They look bigger than what they are really are... One is about 3/4 of an inch and the other one is about an inch...
As soon as they out grow this tank they will go in my 72 gal bow tank project...
Have you ever seen where people and LFS keep beta fish?
So not worries illal...
Hakuna Matata
i think betas are tortured too. it does look great, but i really wouldnt put anything bigger then a clown goby in there.

hows your water looking with them in it and feeding? gotta be careful with such little water volume. anyhow good luck, wish i could setup a tank at my job to have something to look at.
In a tank this small I am doing water changes weekly... 1L a week...
There is a yellow clown goby in there as well... it's been up for only 3 weeks and everything is running fine THANK GOD... corals(neon mushrooms, xenia, GSP and a green hammer) are perky and fish are eating well...there are a couple of crabs and snails cleaning constantly...
You are right, that is bigger than a Betta cup, so obviously you have room for a couple more fish! Have you considered a tang?
lol let's see how many tangs we can fit into a 2.5g!

wldshark, very nice tank. I think it's fine with the smaller clows. The tang thing and fish in small tanks thing is a big deal when people have no upgrade path or plans. You've got a plan, so it's not a big deal.
I was thinking of a spotted eel... but the tang idea is not bad... I will consider your suggestion... which tang do you recommend Osteomata a hippo or just a plain yellow tang?
ReefWreak I am only kidding... That is it for fish, the only thing I am adding are some softies (corals)...

Thanks for the complement Prideprop, the 10 hours at work are becoming more enjoyable...I don't sweat the smart comments... I have fun with them and get a kick out of them...
Cool... what do you think if I stick the octopus that is for sale here in RC?
I have a couple of toys that he can play with...
lol where did you get that tank at i like it. I was thinking about getting one of those little deco tanks but i like this one better.
I have no idea; it was a gift that someone gave me many years ago... it was sitting in my parents’ garage for more than a decade...