Missing algea clip???


New member
I have 2 in my tank a clear one and bright blue one. I fed some algae on the blue one a few hours ago and now it is gone:confused:

Sometimes it falls off or they pull it off but just drops right to the sand. I just looked for 15 minutes and cant find it for the life of me? You'd think i could see a bright blue clip but i guess somehow they dragged it back behind the rocks.

I guess it cant hurt having it in my tank?

on a side note, i hit the asian market today and got a TON of green nori for $10. If anyone wants to split it, let me know, its more than i can use,lol.
Dont know the address but its an Asian market in a strip mall on the southwest corner of 441 and Hollywood blvd. There are 2 of them right next to each other. The good one is the one closest to the big huge adult video store.

It was kind of funny. the guy asked me why i needed so much and i said "for my fish" and he said "what" and looked at me like i'm crazy. Fish eating it is weird but humans eating it isnt???:lol:
o agios, i have some for you... swing by whenever to get it.

The asian market in miami for nori is right next to petsupermarket on bird rd and like 82 ave across from strictly fish.

On a side note, my fish all love this stuff and i like to soak it in vitachem and garlic for about 15 min til it starts to dry. fish go NUTS!
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12142926#post12142926 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Lacy
I will split it with you.

Cool, shoot me a pm when you get a chance and we will figure out where and when.