MIXED reef help???????


Active member
i've tried the search function but it never works so here is my question

i've been reading lots on RC and i can't decide what reef i want. Is a mixed reef possible with all corals. i really like SPS,ZOA's,softies and RIC's,mushies. i want to know if i can keep them all succesfully or what corals cant be mixed. i'm worried about chemicals, stinging and fighting. should i put carbon or anything else in the water to help? thanks

You can safely mix all of those. Giving each "zones" in the tank(sps up top with more light and flow,mushrooms near the bottom etc...) to keep them fairly seperated, running carbon and good skimming will help.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7307361#post7307361 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by marine_freak
I second that advice, listen to the fishdoc he is well respected for his knowledge and advice!

Your check is in the mail:lol: