Mixing additives for tank sitter


So last minute we are leaving for a week and a day. I need to get the tank prepped for my leave. I have a family member staying at my house while I'm gone so I don't have to worry to much about the tank. But I don't want the tank to stop receiving the additives I'm dosing. Can I mix up all the additives and put them in containers so my sitter can just dump it in the tank every day? I'm currently dosing:
1ml koralcolor
1.75 ml replenish
1ml zeo start3
1-2 drop lugols
3 drop sponge power (every other day)
5 drop zeofood7 (every 3)

I was thinking of putting all the stuff in those vials that come in the Red Sea test kit and just having him dump it in the tank at some point in the day. Can I mix all that stuff without issues?
Interesting, however I highly doubt mixing any of those together will work esp mixing the 3 zeos.
I can not dose the sponge power and zeo food. That wouldn't hurt anything. Honestly I could not dose everything but the zeo start and be fine. I just want to keep everything stable. Plus I'm getting awesome growth and coloration and want to keep it going.

So you think mixing everything is a bad idea?
While I can't give you an exact reason, I don't think mixing them together and adding is going to harm anything per say, but Im pretty sure the zeos being mixed in with each other, then left to sit, there will be some alterations to how effective each one is. Far as the lugols? again, Im not a scientist or chemist. Im guessing there is a reason Korellen Zuct doesn't sell a all in one bottle zeo regimen and charge $100 for it, because I am sure lots of zeo users would buy it and run it on dosers, my guess it has to with the different additives will negatively interact with each other when mixed.

I don't do zeo, but dose iodine, aminos and vinegar. When I am away from my tank, which is a lot, I have a tank sitter with 0 experience with reef keeping feed my tank, I refuse to ask him to dose anything. I have food premesured out for him in dixe cups in the freezer, he knows to thaw, feed and empty the skimmer cup and that is it.

I definitely see a loss of a bit of color when I return but can usually get things back on track rather quickly.
I'm already prepping my frozen food and I have a feeder for pellets. I'll probably just let it ride.
Again I don't do zeo, but I actually attribute my color loss to decrease in feeding, as Ill feed the tank 3 times a day when I am home, but my tank baby sitter only can stop by 1x every other day to feed once.