mixing saltwater..


In Memoriam
how long do you guys let your SW sit after making it? reading a thread on another forum about some people leaving there SW mixing with a powerhead and heater for a day or two. I usually mix mine up about an hour or less before I use it.
I get mine at PPM, but have had to make SW a few times. I let mine run in a bucket with a power head for about 3-4 hours. Check your PH before adding, I think it has to do with that mostly.
I mix for about 24 hours before I use it. I also use a strong PH but no heater since it is pretty warm here and the temp difference isn't much.
I mix about 5 gal in a 18 gal tub and let it sit for 24 hours with a Maxijet 1200. The maxijet heats it up so I no longer use a heater.

I don't snap the top on airtight, but leave it on 2/3 to get some air circulating in it. I used to run an airstone, but I've been trying to make water changes as simple as possible.

lol.. Don is big on PH.. you used to have a freshwater tank didnt you?

well.. sounds like I need to invest in a couple more tiny powerheads.. I use a very small one and just swap it from jug to jug.. but they're only 1000 yennies so getting 2 more wont hurt. I just dont have the room to run a large bucket or anything like that. :(
Free at coral culure... those guys are great, thanks for the lead frank! I'm the guys that gets it from the ocean, but I will go to coral culture if the weather's bad...
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8346785#post8346785 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Donstuprich
Yeah free water and 5$ clams, if I lived in mainland I would fly down just for the clams... hint hint hint

Juat waiting for Mike to give me his schedule so I can crash there. He's real sensitive about me being there alone with his dog. Not my fault the dog fell down the stairs repeatedly!!!
