...its the first time i have had one split ....its cool to watch ...the shroom slowly over a course of several days slowly stretched his foot until it became so thin it tore a small piece off which then quickly grew into a new one....i noticed another torn piece on the other side now
Yeah... once they start splitting like that, they usually do it more than once. I've got a striped one that started last March, and hasn't stopped since. I've got 6 little ones that kind of trace the path that its been moving in.
i've been in and out of this hobby since the late 90's and this is my third attempt as a reefkeeper. my first tank was a disaster the second one was a little better but it never thrived and i lost a fair amount of livestock this time i told myself i was gonna do it right or not do it at all....so i read and read...what seemed like millions of threads here on rc and this time things are really going well...my livestock are thriving and reproducing....its a good feeling
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