Monti Cap Bleaching?


Premium Member

I have had an Orance Monti Cap for almost a year, but it looks like is loosing its color. What could cause it to bleach?


It's fading from the edge in. I will post a pix tonight.

I use a refractometer(sp) and the only change in anything is that I added some more LR, so I moved the Monti up higher. Is not that is getting too much light is it?
if its on the edge I would check for Monti nudis.see the SPS thread for pics of them. the bleaching/damage usually starts on the edges and caps are more susceptible
I have a green that is too light for my liking. I think it may be getting too much pink and purple monti caps are looking good though...just the green that seems like it should be darker.....growth is good though.
I am in same boat as DVAN---mine is pretty green but not as DEEP as i would like it...we both use the same lighting on the same size tank too!!! i think it may be too much light however check for monti nudis on the UNDERSIDE
I've been on the look out for nudis...notta

The whole thing is light not like its missing tissue anywhere.


Here is a pic, excuse the colors:


This what it used to look like:

Water Parameters

Water Parameters

Temp 81.3 F
SG 1.025
PH 8.0 to 8.3
Calcium 390pmm
Alkalinity 3.77 meq/L
Magnesium 1350pmm
No trace of Nitrite, Nitrate, Amonia or Phospate
All test with Salifert and the SG with refractometer.