Monti Cap Helppppppppp!!! Are they dead?


New member
Ok, whenmy Monti cap frags arrived one frag 1/2 of it is white and the other one about 1/4 of it is white, that was at around 1pm today. Now at 6pm they turned completely white, are they dead?
They are dead allright (bleached), however, if there is even a small spot of live left, they can recover to full life after good nuture.
Sounds like they are a goner. was there a heat pack shipped with them? I had sps that didn't make it through the mail, the water in the bag usally stinks. hopefully you will get credit on them.
Don't throw them out until algae grows on them. I have seen several pieces I fragged bleach and come back.
There is absolutely nothing on them. Looks just like those corals pieces you see on the shelfs in the LFS. I can see my fingere through it. When I say white I mean completely snow white. One of them has a grey spot on it but other than that WHITE.
they are probably dead .... in any case, if you had other healthy montis in your tank, I would not risk putting them in or else there maybe you may cause RTN for the healthy ones ... or maybe you could be transferring some parasites into your present set-up ...
ah thanks good advice.

Let me ask you guys a question. the guy bought them from here on RC Pm'd me and said he will replace them if I pay for overnight shipping. Don't know but seems to me he should be the one paying the shipping not me. Why should I pay twice for shipping when he assured me he has sent them many times before priority and had no problems. Just seems odd that he ask me to pay for it again.
The truth finally came out he thinks I am lying. God I wish I had a camera. I even offered to pay for ups or fedex (less than 10 bucks) ground which is next day from him to me and he said no. He wants me to pay the 20+ bucks for overnight. Guy's don't ever buy anything from zanclus. He is a very bad dealer. Can't believe he wouldn't even go half with me on it.
Overnight is the only way to go. You are being a little hard on him. I would pay the shipping again. However, it's not unreasonable for him to pay half of the shipping.
Actually he assured me that there would be no problem. he is in NY and I am in PA. UPS and FEDEX ground is overnightbetween these 2 states and fedex is 9.39 and ups is 7.40. He should pay it, but he doesn't want to. He only wants to ship it usps overnight which cost 22+ that I don't have. If I did I would have bought from somewhere like liveaquaria, etc. I am not being hard, just want whats fare.
If you deal with other online vendors, they usually will replace your loss, but shipping is extra. I would order some more things from him to make it worth while, or not if you feel he ripped you off. At least he offered to replace it. The only time a seller should pay shipping is when he the did something wrong, like shipped with no heat packs, did not double bag etc. Did you have an sps shipped 2 day? or overnight? I heard zoes will last priority 2 day, but sps won't. Temperature is a big factor with sps.
If there is one type of SPS that can come back from the dead, its a cap. I have had a piece bleach twice, get attacked with a boringsponge infestation and another acro fall on it and burn it bad.For the sponge situation I actually tooth brushed it in lugols dip and grinded it with a Dremel tool! This was all in 2005. Right now it's a prize winner, really nice. Don't give up until its totally dead. Keep it out of direct MH and try to spot feed it DTS oyster eggs.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6825789#post6825789 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Shark Bait100
If you deal with other online vendors, they usually will replace your loss, but shipping is extra. I would order some more things from him to make it worth while, or not if you feel he ripped you off. At least he offered to replace it. The only time a seller should pay shipping is when he the did something wrong, like shipped with no heat packs, did not double bag etc. Did you have an sps shipped 2 day? or overnight? I heard zoes will last priority 2 day, but sps won't. Temperature is a big factor with sps.

He shipped with no heat pak, and they were ice cold. The bag was leaking. He only had one shipping opption and said it was ok to ship them his way. That he has shipped that way many times and they are good shippers.