Monti Cap


New member
I recently bought a monti cap, but it fell of the rock it was on. Now i have it sittting on another rock. Do i need to glue it down? what kind of glue.
Sorry for the newbie questions (its my first sps)
Use Gel Superglue made by loctite - very easy to do - pat dry bottom of frag as well as rock location to glue it to. Put a small dab of glue on rock and on frag. Hold in place for around 30 seconds and let it sit and dry on its own for 30 seconds. Place in container with water from your tank for several minutes, then place frag into the display. Good luck.
If the rock you're trying to attach to is in the display and there is no way of taking it out, you can use a 2 part epoxy. Makes a playdoh-ish type substance, then stick frag into epoxy, then stcik epoxy onto rock. I have used this method for almost all my frags, because I have many large rocks which can not so easily come out fo the tank.
good point rutz81. Or you can do what I do which is to superglue it to a piece of rubble rock and then you have some flexibility of moving it the tank if you have to (e.g. doesn't like the initial location you put it in, other corals encroaching on its space, etc)
Place the superglue on the frag then hold it to the rock in the tank for about 30 seconds and it should stuck even under water.