Monti question/problem

Bill Nye

My tank crashed about 8 months ago due to a power outage and I haven't been maintaining the tank since then until about a month ago except filling the auto top off bucket and feeding the fish. I lost all my SPS but still had a bubble tip, lps and zoa survive. I have gotten the tank back in order so I decided to try some sps to see if everything was ready to go. I got some montis, birdsnest, a pocci and one acro to test the waters so to speak.

Today I was looking at the tank and noticed the montis were looking a little off. The edges of the coral and some of the tips had started to either turn white/grey or had very slight algae growing on them. I have two caps, an encrusting monti and a digi. All the other coral including the acro are doing well. The montis haven't lost color and still have polyp extensions even in the area that is turning white.

I just tested to see what was up and got the following:
Salinity - 1.025
Alk - 7
Mag - 1580 (not sure why its so high..use red sea blue bucket but don't dose it)
Nitrate - 5
Phosphate - 0

The guy I get my coral from runs a crazy, huge setup and he told me he never uses any GFO or phosphate remover. Do you think the montis could be shocked by the low phosphate levels in my tank? Its odd that only the montis are being negatively affected while all other corals are fine. I think I am going to remove the GFO tonight and see how high my phosphate levels get without it.
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Both nitrates and phosphates are required nutrients..

In my opinion....GFO should ONLY be run in a response to a phosphate problem..
If you don't have one.. Don't run it..
If you have one you are either overfeeding or have rock thats leaching it.. The first being more common.. Overfeeding is quite easy to fix thus negating the need to even run GFO..
I pulled the GFO 6 days ago and the montis are recovering nicely. Seems the phosphates were too low and stressing them out.