Montipora Danae lighting question


New member
Hi all, I have a quick question and I'd like to get all your opinions on it. I am keeping a large piece of montipora danae I just received under Phoenix 14K 150 watts MH in a 30 gallon cube tank. It is receiving good light about 18 inches under the light, I can see the polyps coming out more today, I got it yesterday, and no bleaching. Will this light be sufficient for this species? It gets good flow by the way, I just wondered if it needed to be really high and in the most intense part of the light, photoperiod is 10 hours. Thanks to all who responded.....
Since danae's have brighter colors than most monti's I should think they would benifit more if they are under the brighter light in your tank. Just make sure you acclimate slowly and I'm sure you can put it anywhere. I know I have a green and yellow speckled monti only an inch under the water and 12 inches from 2 250 W MH and 2 actinics. It seems to grow very quickly and hasn't bleached at all. So I say go for it.