most accurate phosphate test?


New member
I know there was a thread about this about a week ago, but the search function is down. Whats the most accurate way to measure phosphate?
I would have to disagree and say that the Hanna Colormeter is way more accurate.

It measures the ions, but the downside is the cost.

It is very accurate though, i have one myself and love it. i will never use another PO4 test kit again. this meter is top notch.

I've used two different Salifert PO4 kits and a new La Motte kit, They all pretty much suck. I would get zero off the DI, the tank and the tap (I'm talking beer tap) I'm getting to where I don't trust any test kit out there.

I bought a Hannah Colorimeter a few months ago. I get much different results using the meter then I do the test kits. What reads zero on the Salifert and La Motte reads 0.09 on the colorimeter....

I'll stick with the meter.
so what do you need other than the $184 colorimeter to use it. I saw replacement cuvets and solutions that looked like they went with it. do they? sorry for the dumb questions.
I believe that the meter comes with 2 culverts. I didnââ"šÂ¬Ã¢"žÂ¢t know if it came with the reagents so I ordered a box just in case. I don't know about anything else. HTH

Well you need to order the regant, either the 100 pack or 300 pack, other than that the carrying case is nice, but i store mine in the box, haha.

lets see the cleaning thing is alright i guess....

other than the meter and reagant thats about it.

i store my curvets in RODI water, the whole thing submereged in the water......

oh another tip, use a lint free cloth to dry the curvet when you take it out of the RODI water and do not touch it with you fingers. anything that gets on the curvet will distort the final reading.....

i love mine, i am sure you will love yours.

Yeah, Hanna are best at detecting very low PO4 levels. What appears colorless with Salifert showed 0.02 on Hanna in my case.
I know it's been a few months since there's been any activity on this thread but when you ordered you meters, did you have to call in to get any information on them? I searched and can't find anything on the sites listed here.
