Mounting SPS Frags?


Premium Member
Does a frag encrust faster if layed on its side or mounted upright on a plug? Which do you feel is better?


i stand them straight up. Use aquament and zap gel. zap first, then aquamend, then zap gel again to the rock.
i say on their side, but it all depends on lighting and flow and trying to maximize that.
I had 2 ideas. I was going to glue the bottoms to 3/8" acrylic rod. Then drill holes in the rock and put the rod into the holes. Or I'll set up a frag growout tank and place the frags on their sides on rock taken from the main. Once they encrust I'll put the rock back. Laying them on their sides in the main would cause them to get blow away. I have >5000 gph flow in a 150 gallon tank. Thanks for your help so far.

The drilling the rocks in your tank is a good idea. You can use cheap airline tube to save $. Since you have a frag pack, i would glue them in a way that you want them to grow in your tank, since you don't have any better information then that.