Moving a 180


New member
I'm finally going to pick up my 180 tank at the end of this week....can you guys tell me if suction cups are needed to help with the move? I have the man power, just curious if there is anything else that will help. Also, what is the waiting period for the silicon to cure before adding water to a tank? Thanks
You should just be able to carry the tank with 2x4s under it, with 2 people on each 2x4. Where are you buying the tank from? Was it custom built? Ask the builder how long to wait for the silicon. I would imagine that it's probably 24-48 hours for it to cure, but I'm just guessing.

good luck with the new setup!
Thanks...I purchased the tank from exotic aquariums (karen) in Miami. After dealing with glasscages, I was happy to pay a few hundred more and know I will be getting a quality product. The tank was custom built to replace a room dividing wall. It will be 76X18x29. Karen from exotic said 48hrs to cure...but its been built over a week now so it should be ready for water. Thanks again for the help!