Moving my reef tank


New member
Moving my tank due to new home purchase this week. Wonding if I can use some of the water out of my tank to transport only or should I use fresh mixed water. Once I have all my corals, fish and other creatures out I'll remove all my sand and clean the tank before setting everything up again. Hopefully in a matter of a couple of hours. I was planning on using buckets and tubs with aerators and I'll replace all the sand with new sand. Hopefully not causing a huge swing or die off in the process. Tanks a red sea 130 so not to big. Tips or suggestions please. Thanks.
I thing I learned after moving my tank is that it will take much longer than you think it will. You can definitely use tank water for transport. I even used some of my tank water to fill the tank.
I have moved many tanks. I make up enough water for about a 25% water change. I drain TW into buckets and put my corals,fish and rocks in the buckets. I leave a couple inches of water in the tank. 75% of the water goes back in. Knock on wood i have never lost any fish or corals doing it this way.
I agree with the other two, I have moved a 20 g tank many a time since I kept it in my dorm rooms throughout college. I never lost anything through transport by doing the following:
pour tank water in buckets, put fish, hermits, shrimp, etc. in a bucket with aerator and rock and corals in a seperate bucket(so I don't kill a fish accidentally from rock falling on it). Once tank is empty of water, transport. I left the same sand in everytime by the way. Once at new location, mix 25% of water(since I'd move the other 75% or so). Pour new water into tank onto a plate to disperse(so water isn't as murky with sand). Put rocks and coral in, fill with more water, fish, hermits, shrimp etc. in last. One more thing that I did was over estimate the new water to accomadate for spills during transport, which is likely to happen at least a little. Good luck with moving.