Moving sale...everything must go! :-(


New member
Hi all. It's been so long since I posted here that I forgot my old login info!
Anyway, I am moving to another country and need to sell EVERYTHING. :-(
I am located in Cambridge.

The first $450 take it ALL (and you must take it all)


60 lbs live rock - $125 Aquacultured ( Mixed deco/regular. Needs a little tlc, but very nice stuff! Includes the 5 urchins that came on the rock!

Reef Devil Skimmer: (needs new pump) $175 - Excellent condition. Used only about 1 year!

SCWD Wavemaker: Working like a champ after 2 years $20

Custom Glass Tank: 18W x 36L x 17H End-drilled (2 holes). Great for a peninsula (3 side view Tank). All plumbing and custom hood included (including small sump!). First $100 takes it!!!!

Lights: 36" VHO retrofit kit (4 bulbs). $100 (see

Instant Ocean 48 lb bucket, Maybe I have used 2 lbs out of this bucket. $20

Also live sand - free - after the rock is out.
I also have a bag of the caribean playground sand. Free if you buy something else.

My wife and I are moving (to Scotland) and I need to sell everything. I haven't been keeping up with it for the past few months. The hood needs new bulbs, and my water purifier has not been at 100 percent, so there is some cyano and hair algea, but not much. The rock will surely come back to its former brilliance with just a little tlc. pretty much all of the livestock is already gone/spoken for.

Everything else is 1st come 1st served...
what is the tank drilled to? does it come with a stand>?
i have a 40 gallon that i am going to drill, and i was thinking of just getting a new tank so the change will be qui;ck. how high is the canopy?
We are putting the house on the market in the coming weeks, so we need to get the tank out ASAP.

I have accepted an offer to buy the whole thing, so at the moment, everything is spoken for.
