Moving soon


Active member
Sorry for anyone excited by the news I am not going too far, so you all still have to deal with me talking more then anyone else in the DE forum. :-P

Bad news:
Unfortunately though all those little tanks I have set up because of quarantining and hospitalizing have to all be moved by the end of the month as well as everything else.(and most of the stuff can not be combined yet)
I am going to move my gecko to Steph’s, my gf. I will also be taking at least my fresh water tank to my parents home in lower DE. My parents also said they could put some of the salt stuff on their back porch, but it is not air conditioned and three of the walls are made with sliding glass doors, so anything back there will heat up pretty quick.

Good news:
Well first of my new RO membrane finally came in so I should be able to hook that up soon and have enough water to do water changes and make the move to where ever.
Secondly wherever I have to keep my animals they will only be there for two months at the max and maybe not even that. I have a chance now to find a place that perhaps has a sun room or perhaps green house, crossing fingers but unlikely on the current budget. I am also going to look for some place that has some of the utilities included in monthly rent. Would be so nice to plug in some new lights or hook up the RO unit and not have to worry about running up the bills.

Wish me luck. I will have a week to figure this all out at the end of the month, but for time being… It is exam time :-(

Ouch, that sucks. Maybe you should down size some? It is going to be hard to get a place that has rent and utilities included, especially after they see all your tanks. Is there anyway you can combine tanks, narrow it down from like 9 million to like 3 or 4? Wish I could hold some tanks for you, but I have a problem of my own! I am trying to downsize now, hopefully tonight I can take down my 55g QT tank, still have the 125g w/34g sump, 30g and 20L though!

Oh yeah, good luck, exams suck!
Sorry everyone that I haven't been on or responded recently. Middle of exams, trying to move, starting a new side job, and to top it off Steph, my gf, has become ill and I spent the day at the hospital with her yesterday.

Problem is I can't keep my little cleaner gobby with my snow flake moray eel or my eel with my convict gobbys. Can't keep my Angelfish with any corals. Can't keep my frogfish in with anything. Have my snowflake in QT for 8 weeks due to possible marine velvet in the tank and the tank he came from empty for 8 weeks. Who knows how long it will be till I can tell if the parasite from the frog fish had little ones in his tank. And so on. And so on. Luck has not been on my side.

Currently there are about 10 tanks set up in my room. Things will be condensed, but there are lots of complications currently and right now I don't have the time to rush anything anyway. Luckily my grandparents will be taking some of my tanks, but they are still in Sussex County.
Well as you can imagine I've been through a heck of a lot the last week trying to move everything out of the house I had been staying out in the past year. First I want to say sorry to Ken and Al and anyone else who has tried to get a hold of me. I've driven up and down the state a ton of times and as soon as it was over I was sick as a dog and in bed for two days.

Most of everything went to my grandparents, but I kept the few photosynthetic corals I have at Steph’s house.

Most everything survived the transfers. I lost a brown and black serpent star and a black sea urchin. I also lost a gold coral banded shrimp(Stenopus scutellatus) which stinks because it was part of a mated pair I just bought. Surprisingly the snowflake moray eel seems to have been effected as well as it wouldn't eat last the other night.

Ouch, sorry to hear about all that jon, hope your gf is ok. Good luck with everything, wish there was a way to help. Once you get moved, everything will work out, then you can set up a nice tank and keep it that way. Moving around sucks, I hate moving a 125g tank, it's a major PITA ***! I have to down size as well, just sticking with the FOWLR tank, no more corals or anything for me now. Good luck, keep us updated.