I got a skimmer for Christmas and my tank is too close to the wall. I need to move it out about 4 inches. My plan is to get 2 plastic tubs. I'm going to siphon out approx. 12 gallons into the 1st tub and put my liverock in it. The only corals I have is xenia. I'm then going to sipon out about about 5 gallons into the 2nd tub, move my 3 fish into it and then add about about 7 more gallons into it. (oh yea, I have a 30 gal tank). That should leave the water level in the tank a few inches above the sand. I will then pull the tank out a few inches and re-level it. I'll use the "live rock tubs" water 1st to re-fill the tank and put my rock back in. Then I'll put the fish in the tank and use the "fish tub" water to fill the tank back up. Hopefully this will take only about 30 minutes. Does this sound all right to all of you out there? Any other suggestions or comments are appreciated.