Moving to Philadelphia

Hi, NCPARS! My name is Felicia, and I'm originally from Bellwood, PA, lived in Pittsburgh for a few years, and then ended up somehow in Wisconsin. We've been trying to get back to PA for about five years now, and my husband finally landed a job in the Western Philly area. All of my family still lives in the Bellwood area, so I'm looking forward to coming to some NCPARS meetings and swaps!

I think I've met some of you already, if you've ever come to a Liveaquaria frag swap or open house tour in the last few years, you might remember me . And one of you I've know for a while :D
Hi Felica.wooohooo another reef geek in our neck of the woods

Felicia! Very exciting, wonderful to have you! But who is going to take the Diver's Den photos? Are you going to move your seahorses and other wet pets?

Hey Felicia,

Welcome back!!! Nice to see you are making your way closer to home. I can't wait to catch up. A lot has happened since the last time I saw you.

See you soon!
Thanks, Dan! I love looking at your tank pictures on RT. I didn't realize you were in PA, and president of NCPARS. I feel bad for you for having to deal with Ricky all the time JK ;)

Felicia! Very exciting, wonderful to have you! But who is going to take the Diver's Den photos? Are you going to move your seahorses and other wet pets?


Emily! That's great you are in NCPARS. What town are you in? Do you go to a lot of meetings/swaps? I love meeting other seahorse people.

My good friend Hannah is taking the DD pics now. It was really hard for me to let it go, and I keep in touch with my friends there.

Yep, I'm bringing EVERYBODY. All of my corals, every single darn one, died during the first move. And I lost the other tuberculatus, I don't know if you saw that on the org.

I still have about a dozen seahorses left, and Juniper had more babies the other day. I have to post a pic of Hoover soon. She is the strangest color(s) right now. Her body is grey with white bands, but her head is yellow and her tail is red.

I won't be moving to Philly till after the New Year, but my husband is there already. I'm staying with my in-laws for now...
Ouch! I'm sorry to hear about the corals. Your first order of NCPARS will have to be to go to the frag swap at TFP/TPP at the end of Jan. I was so mad because last year my car decided not to start on the day of the swap, so I got there late -- I still managed to get some nice pieces, though. I love checking out the pieces on fragswapper.

I hope that the next move goes well, esp. if your erectus keep providing you with new broods prior to the move. What a handful! But I think that it is great that you are bringing them. Do you think your husband is lonely? I found a super nice young male DSH, orange, by the side of the highway the other day. No owners have stepped forward, so if you are interested in a cat, let me know!
Thanks, Dan! I love looking at your tank pictures on RT. I didn't realize you were in PA, and president of NCPARS. I feel bad for you for having to deal with Ricky all the time JK ;)

Haha,Rick is definitely an acquired taste but once you are acclimated to him he is quite amusing and a good friend.Glad you enjoy the shots,I love taking them and trying to improve on my photography skills(or lack of ) :>) has been an obsession as of late.Good luck with your move and when you get to PA if you need anything,LMK.Please do make it to the Jan 29,2011 swap if possible,it is a huge event and much like a mini macna with the crowds,vendors and large attendance.
LOL That's a good way to put it, Dan. I'm pretty well "acclimated" to Rick by now, and if you like your conversation "unfiltered," then Rick's your man! He's definitely the most honest guy I know.

I've been known to take some decent photos, I'd be glad to help you out sometime, though you don't really need it. We could trade some photography tips.

Emily, I'll definitely be at the swap in January! Can't wait to meet you in person. I just had to talk my husband out of a dog, so no cats. Not yet, at least. ;)

Can you believe the seahorses are still breeding at a temperature of 62*F??? Even the dwarf seahorses were courting this morning. Wait till you see my angustus. I'm so sorry the tubers died, you would've LOVED them.
LOL That's a good way to put it, Dan. I'm pretty well "acclimated" to Rick by now, and if you like your conversation "unfiltered," then Rick's your man! He's definitely the most honest guy I know.

I've been known to take some decent photos, I'd be glad to help you out sometime, though you don't really need it. We could trade some photography tips.

"unfiltered" I like that :) Looks like we both know my little buddy pretty well LOL

Yea I will say you have been known to take a decent photo.Those very same DD pics are what led to part of my 10,000 dollar credit card bill.(EXPENSIVE HOBBY to all noobs reading this) Loving every moment of it.A few pointers and which settings work best for a given application would go a long way.I have been playing with a DSLR for about 2 years and I must say the learning curve is very long and slow.We will definitely talk further on this but I sincerely doubt I can offer you any advise or tips with photography :)