Mushroom Coral- husbandry/propagation?


New member
How long does it typically take for mushroom corals to reproduce???

DO I have to do anyhting special to get the mushroom coral to transfer from the rock it is on over to the LR in my tank? Will it happen naturally? Do I need ot arrange things a ceartain way?
Once they're settled in good and conditions are good (lighting, flow, water quality) they can reproduce rapidly on their own. Another way would be to propagate it yourself, cut it in half and place the peices in a container with some small pieces of LR rubble or crushed coral keep the flow very slow in the container so they dont blow out. You can put the container in your sump or main tank with light and in a couple weeks they should be healed and attached some of the rock.
Mushrooms will reproduce and grow naturally. If this were not the case, there wouldn't be any left. :)

You can encourage reproduction by fragmenting as David mentioned. You can speed spreading to other rocks by placing the mushrooms near the desired rock, especially creating contact between the mushroom and rock. Growth will come from clean, stable water, good lighting, and proper husbandry.

Good luck :)
Thanks everybody. I still am not sure what the tiem frames are for a mushroom to devide. I have time frame if I was to cut it- that would be a few weeks. How long for natural reproduction.

My corals are startign to not be fully extended anymore. Water parameters are fine. They used to be more open. Now not as much but they are still definitly open. I removed a glass half top from the tank so that more light will reach them. I wil ltry it for a few days to see what happens.

I have a 96W powerquad from coralife o nth 10gallon tank so it was a lot of lighting for mushrooms. That is why I decided to put the half glass section on the top of the tank to cut the light down jsut a little. the mushrooms greenis color came back a little but they were nto opening to their fulles extent. I am picky but probably should relax cause they are probably fine. I jsut want to experement wit hthe light to see what they like best and then keep it that way.
Mushrooms can move and will find a spot they like, what I usually do is place them in a spot with partial shade very close to direct light so they can stretch to the light if they want to. From experience if the animal is healthy and likes where its at an individual can put out a couple babies a week. Once the babies mature the whole process is exponential and is limited only by available space. I've found low to moderate flow and indirect lighting to be best ( depending on what lighting you have) under my MH indirect is best, under T-5 indirect, PC never used it so I cant say, but with 96 watts on a 10 gallon I would guess indirect, VHO and NO flourescent direct or partially shaded depending on depth of tank.