Mushroom Coral Lighting

Hand von Tod

New member
I’ve been reading a bit about mushroom corals lately and they seem interesting enough. I’ve made no plans yet, but in another month or two when my tank is older I might want to get some. Hardy animals = me likes. However, finding precise lighting requirements is really difficult. What I’m getting so far is “low/moderate/high” lighting requirements, not exactly informative.

Are there species of mushrooms that can be kept under standard ten gallon lighting? Mine’s 18 watts, although it doesn’t say if it’s per gallon or what not.
They should be fine in the ten gallon tank with an 18 watt light that would be 1.8 watts per gallon, so it would be a little low, but you can always add a seperate strip. I will put it like this, with mushrooms for the most part if you don't spend alot per head then they want require alot of light, if you spend more money then they will require more light, I know it sounds phony but try my theory.