Mushroom Frustration


New member
I have three pieces of mushroom and cannot get them to stay attatched to anything! Right now, they are all in a little net brooder at the top of my tank until I can figure out just how to make them stay! One is about the size of a quarter and the other two are pencil eraser sized... any suggestions?
i keep loose ones and frags in a bowl of crushed coral in a low enough flow area they won't be blown out of the bowl, within a few weeks they attach to the crushed coral which can be glued wherever you like.
I called a friend and he said to put bridal veil over them and rubberband it down... so I just cut up an old prom dress to steal the netting... I hope that works.
i never had allot of luck with that method (some have) is why i use the bowl with CC in it. lights are off right now so this is via a flash but you can see, it works nicely for keeping them in place. when they pop off over crowded rocks in my various systems I'll catch them out and drop them in the bowl and after a few weeks if i think about it :) I'll pull them out and glue them to a frag plug.

NerdyChick, you say they are in a net at the top of the tank... try moving it down to the bottom. the light is stronger at the top, maybe irritating them so they aren't concentrating on attaching. just an idea
taillonjohn, they were temporarily in a net brooder to keep them from blowing about, but they are currently under bridal veil at the bottom and that seems to be working, other than the fact that one has vanished entirely....
Easier than netting is the net they put around roses. It stretches and works very well without rubber bands in the water.