Mushroom ID - just found it behind some rock

I was moving my rock around when I added another 50lbs.
On the back side I found this... I am assuming it is a mushroom.

Anything I should get excited about?

I'd say its definitely a ricordia but i can't see the sides of the mouth clear enough tos ee if it also has bumps on it- if so yuma, if not, florida.

Stunning beauty and color. I want one!!!
That is a regular discosoma mushroom.
The type is common but the color is good.
Sometimes you see them purple with red bumbs, or red with blue bumbs ect ect. Nice freebie !
Yes, probably is a mushroom rather than a yuma. Yumas have thier mouths extended and simular looking shrooms don't but not a rule of thumb as can be seen here. This is a shroom yuma look-a-like. Nice all-the-same. Would still bring a good price, at least where I am.

I think it's a discosoma as well. My reason for thinking that is the fact that it doesn't appear to have the distinctive tentacles around the edges that all ricordeas I've ever seen have.

That said, I'd love to have that shroom growing in my tank. I'd buy it in a heartbeat if I saw it for a reasonable price. You're quite lucky :D
My vote is for Discosoma, it will most likely be more apparent over time what exactly it is. Just judging by the overall carriage of this guy, it looks like a Discosoma. Very nice color...wish it was mine!
Anyone know what this one is?
I would like to buy another one.

The photo is with 10k MH and T5 actinic
It is amazing with just the actinic on.
