Mushroom Overload


New member
I have a 65 gallon and I started with a couple of mushrooms a couple of years back. Now the tank is overloaded. The mushrooms have slowly but surely overtaken all the zoos and other small LPS. It is cool that they are now growing on the glass in the back of the tank. I may have to start taken the razor blade out and thinning the herd. Anyone else have the same problem?
Cutting them only produces another one from what you leave behind, sometimes more then one.

If you would like to remove some, I would do so with twissers of some kind and try to remove the whole thing and leave nothing behind. When they are on a rock, I use some larger twissers and get close to the base of the mushroom and slowly try to twist it off from one side to the other. It is like ripping off a bandaid, if you start in the middle and pull it stright off its not going to work as well as starting from the very side and slowing ripping it off.
I have taken a razor blade and made a small chip in the rock just under the base of the mushroom as well. Just be careful not to cut the mushroom or like seadoo said It will grow back.
hmmm. now i understand my problem. i had 1 red and within months had 30. i was cutting and apparently just growing more by doing that. silly me.
Good thread I was going to ask a similar question. As I purchased 100 ibs. of LR from a hobbist that was down sizing. To my glee and some what reserve. I have about 20 shrooms on several rocks. I wanted to know how to relocate them for better Aquascraping. Yet us know how that works out for you.
this is something i hope to have in my next tank. i want to have shrooms and zoas cover the bottom of my BB tank
I dont think you should wish for a mushroom problem!!! Just think of trying to clear out a of a tank full of aiptasia, its a very similar problem..
Mushrooms tend to be like xenia in that respect, if the water params are good they will take off and cover everything.

I got my tank from a friend that had gotten tired of the hobby. When i recieved it it was a mushroom forest, everything was covered with shrooms.

I was re-aquascaping last nite and i removed around 30 or so mushrooms of various sizes. I used an xacto knife to scrape/cut them off of the rock and then a stainless steel toothbrush looking thing to scrub off any bits that i missed with the xacto.
If you do mushrooms of any kind, I would recommend looking into Ricordia, but go after the Floardia kind first, they area very nice looking and hard to kill.

If you like that and you want to get into a harder to keep mushroom, try a Ricordia Yuma. Yumas are great, but they can cost a lot so you need to make sure you are ready for them.