mushroom question


New member
I just recently traded for a couple of rics, yumas and just reg mushrooms, My questions is , is there any addtives I should add and what levels are more important, I do weekly water changes and my water parmeters are usually pretty good, I know all levels are important, should I feed them or dose them with any additives.

If you use a skimmer you may want to add iodine - but have a test kit to measure the levels before you start dosing. Natural seawater is about 0.06 mg/L
Iodine is good for mushroom color and health,but remember never dose anything without being able to test for it.To keep shrooms of any type I don't think you need to dose at all.With weekly water changes your trace elements will be replenished and your mushrooms should flourish.Some say that mushrooms like "dirty" water.After I do a 20% water change they enjoy the fresh saltwater and expand.

I feed my rics mysis shrimp and cyclop-eeze.I have had good luck with this combination.Recently I have been feeding my discomas with success,but need low flow to do so and very small pieces of shrimp.

I guess it comes down to if you want to feed or dose additional trace elements.Both may help,but not necessarily a must with good lighting and water quality.

Hope this helps.
