mushroom questions


New member
I have a 70G reeftank - been running for almost 2 years. I have many types of mushrooms - large hairy mushrooms, smaller mushrooms. Some do really well - the green and blue ones seem to reproduce like mad. But others do fine for a while and eventually melt away or become unattached to their rock and float away. Hardest for me to keep are the red ones. I bought a beautiful one a few months back, it was doing fine, and now it's all shrivelled up and coming off it's rock base. All water parameters are normal, it's out of a heavy flow area about 1/2 down the tank, and not close to other shrooms or corals. I have PC lighting.

Any thoughts/ideas?
I have some red ones that are reproducing like crazy. They look kind of velvety not the pimpled kind. They are in my 40 Breeder. I have an Aqualight Pro 150W MH w 2 x 65 W actinics. I have them way off to the side. When I got the first polyp it detached and got lost behind my LR. I had it under too much light. I tried another one and now I have at least 10 in about 3 months time.
Did you try moving it up closer to the top? When were your bulbs last replaced? I think oranges, reds, etc. require more light then blues, greens, purples.