Mushroom questions


Active member
Hey everybody, I'm new to mushroom corals and plan to get a rock of them and wanted to ask some questions before I buy them. I've read that they will sting other corals , is this true? I've seen pictures where they are right next to a xenia or finger leather, and everything is ok. Anyway, I also wanted to know what kind of flow and light they like, and if they need any intentional feeding.

Also, I plan to get ricordea too, what lighting and flow do they need and do they need intentional feeding also?

All replies are appreciated. Thanks
Their sting is pretty weak. I havent had problem with my fuzzy shrooms stinging my toadstool(growing all around the base of it) however they have sting my xenia and killed a couple pieces of it. most shrooms need relatively little flow and dont need all that much light(moderate lighting). Rics same story with the flow but they need alot more light. No intentional feeding is necessary but it doesnt hurt them either
Flow: low to Med. Lights: depends on yor system, genral rule does somewhat work is 5 to 8 watts per gal, more so for rics. Feeding: not really, but does help with growth, after you feed you do see chages, open up more better coloe. All depengs on your system and what you wany to do..
what do you mean by what I want to do and my system? I just want to have them spread over rocks, i mite not get the mushroom ones because I don't think I'll have enough rom, but i have 96 watts and plenty of shady places to put them if the light is too bright, because I've read posts of them bleaching. And I might feed them once or twice a week, but it depends on what they eat. Do they eat mysid or pieces of silversides?
96 watts wont be too bright...where you plan on putting them?(what level in the tank) I dont feed my mushrooms at all and they spread out of control, rics on the other hand are very slow growers IME. Mine will eat anything that can fit into their mouths...
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ell I thought that since they could bleach, I'd put them in the middle, but I could put them like 4 inches away from the light if the middle isn't enough light. But do they (ricordea) like bright lighting? I thought they could bleach.