Mushroom/rics/yuma care


New member
I was wondering to get all types of mushrooms to grow fast and colorful. What should I keep my parameters at? I have some yumas that seem to like higher phosphate levels. They split fast but loose some color. At the higher level my other mushrooms and rics. Kinda shrivel up and get colorful. Here is what my current levels are (I don't test for calcium or anything not listed below right now).

Ammonia 0
nitrite 0
nitrate <5
phosphates .8 to 1
PH 8.25 to 8.35
I have had mushrooms do well under different conditions. High light / low light, high flow / low flow, higher phos, lower phos. Lower the phosphate the better I would say.

You will probably have to start monitoring cal, alk, mg, etc if you really want to pinpoint the ideal conditions.
Its kinda hard to lump ricordea florida/Yuma/othershrooms together, and give universal parameters to all of them.

Florida Rics are really different from Yumas. I don't have any Yumas, but Yumas can be prone to melting/infections, and are much more light sensitive than Florida Rics.... But this might be due to shipping fatigue.

Both Rics and Yumas, unless they are actively fragged by pedal laceration or fission, grow kinda slowly, and when they split, esp Floridas, never fully split. They tend to grow in spurts as well too.

Now there is a common belief that shrooms like dirty water, and I don't know if this is true. I think they are tolerant of dirty water... I don't know if they grow better in "dirty" water. (Dirty water being higher nitrates phosphates etc.)

Generally though, I think stability is more important that quality. If salinity nitrates and phosphates are swinging around every other day, then that would cause more stress than if parameters were lower quality consistently.
Oh one more thing about colors... Colors can change radically due to the lighting that they have. Too much light, they might bleach, too little light, they might darken up to something unattractive... sometimes the other way around. Wavelengths also can change the colors... More red, might brown them up, more blues, might make colors pop and some of them glow.... It really depends on the individual shroom's zooxanthellae. If you notice your shrooms changing color, I would start thinking that your bulbs are old and spectrum shifting.
I have tried some in a bunch of areas in the tank. I think i got most of them in the area they like. I guess it is time to buy more test kits :)

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low - medium indirect flow imo is important

My light's are 6 x t5 on the blue side and around 18" from them and that is probably pushing them at max light.

Their doing good so far, with around 300 gph lift pump and 2 x hydor korailia nano's, in a 29G cube.