Mushrooms for the begginer?

What type of lighting do you have? Do you have any mushrooms, or are you asking on what type of mushrooms are good for beginners?
I assume you are talking about coral here, I don't have any experience in the other kind....:celeb1:

Try some cheap ones. After a bit if they're still alive then go on to some more expensive ones. They're all pretty easy to keep.
I have no coral in the tank yet. I have 2 clowns in there very happy, and a blennie, and wrasse waiting in a QT that I just purchased. I have moderate flow in a 120g DT. For lighting I have a DYI LED light on par with the setup commonly discussed here. Not sure on par reading, but it is capable of mod/high light.

So yes what things should I look at getting first.
shrooms are about as easy a coral as it gets (besides Green Star Polyps...:eek:)
you can get basic red, orange, blue and green shrooms for dirt cheap in most areas...
I'd check your local area forums as many people even give these type of corals away to noobies :D

if you want to spend some "bling" than you can certainly get the most colorful (and therefore costly) shrooms either form local reefers, LFS or online...

best of luck and pleez post up pic of whatever you do get!!! :wavehand:
Word of caution, actually two statements:jester::
1. Mushrooms are very evasive and will grow everywhere, chocking out many other corals. Keep them in an area separate, like a little live rock island, such that you can control where they grow.
2. Mushrooms are addictive, the more you get the more you want.

Most of them are fairly hardy and easy to grow, just stay away from Yuma and Florida Rics in the beginning. Also, keep them towards the bottom of the tank with low to moderate flow. And post pictures.
A lot of the "fuzzy" ones get really big, I have a pink fuzzy that is push six inches!!! So you might want to avoid anything "fuzzy". I have a superman tonga and four different yumas, but they are slow grower so you might want to avoid them in them until you have more in your stuff in your tank. There are some super bright red ones out there that are awesome and you can get them for $5 or $10 a polyp. There are also green striped ones that are super colorful, fast growing and cheap.