mushrooms getting smaller...

navy crf

New member
I have a few different types of mushroom corals, but the majority of them seem to be shrinking and/or wasting away. The only ones that seem to be thriving and getting bigger are the hairy mushrooms. I have done research and they shouldn't need to be fed. Even if I try, they don't close up on the shrimp. I have 2 250 20k metal halides along with a 36 inch coralife power compact with a 6500k and actinct bulb. My neighbor's mushrooms have been getting larger and the lfs has huge mushrooms as well. When asked, he stated he used ECO System reef solution to get his huge mushrooms. My neighbor doses nothing. All of my other corals are doing fine, but the mushrooms are just fading away. Any suggestions?
It could be a number of things.

Are these new additions? They could be stressed from light.

If you haven't already, place them on the bottom or near the middle of the tank to get them to fully inflate.
shut off all flow and spray cyclopeze over them using a turkey baster.then wait.when they start to ball up you can spray more inside them before they completely close.
You have a lot of light, maybe too much light. Do you have them near the bottom of your tank? If not try moving them down in the tank.