Mushrooms Not Doing so Well


New member
So i have a mushroom rock in my 20g Nano tank and the shrooms ain't doing so well.

My tank has been up about 5-months and the Shrooms in there around 3 months, they appear to be getting smaller over time.

My tank is a 20g tank, 9.5" High
The shrooms are on a rock, 2" off the bottom (sand) and go up as high as 6" up the tank

I have a 65W 50/50 Coralife
AquaClear 20 Filter
AquaClear20 Powerhead

NO3 <20ppm
NO2 0<=0.5ppm

Any ideas on why they are struggling? Is it too much / not enough light? Also can anyone put a name to their face for me?



I think they are Discosoma mushrooms. One of Mine used to cup up like yours is. I moved it to get more light. He's quite happy now and had started to pop off babies.
Yeah, anyone ever have experience with mushrooms just shrinking away slowly over time? I'm wondering if it could have something to do with too small of an amount of disolved organics in the water. Some people say they do better in a tank with a heavy bio-load.
So i shifted a few things around to allow a bit more light and after a couple of days, they seem to be on the mend......
