Mushrooms out of control


New member
OK, so my single purple mushroom that helped get my 10 gallon nano started has multiplied to 20+ mushrooms. Honestly, they are taking over the tank.

How can I either remove a mushroom completely, or kill it?

I would prefer not to have to kill it, and would rather remove it, however, in my research so far, it seems that cutting them (or fragging) just results in more mushrooms over time.

I am moving the tank in the next week or so, so I will be pulling everything out anyway, so I have thought about chiseling out the bit of LR the foot is attached to. But that seems like a royal, wet, nasty pain.

Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.
If you don't want the mushrooms anymore, why don't you just take it to your local fish store attached to your rock and trade it for say some fresh rock, and another coral? I"m sure you could at least get mushroomless rock in trade for yours...
i have in the past cut off the mushroom as close to the rock as possible. And then alow that peice to attach tp give away/trade as a frag....then take a toothbrush and scrub the area the mushroom was so nothing will grow back.
what ive done is get a bunch of rubble and make a "fire pit" around the mushroom colony and any further spreading goes onto those new rocks. then you have something to trade to the lfs.
That's a great idea to trade in the full rock.. I never thought of that. I guess I could also frag the misc xenia, and zooanthids that I want to keep off said rock, then attach them to the new rock.

Does joe's juice work on mushrooms? Anyone have any experience with that? what's the procedure? hypodermic needle?
I agree with the "fire pit" idea that fcw mentions.

Maybe when you move everything this will be a great opportunity to get a new piece of rock too like coralfarmer said.
i get $10-$20 each for my xenia and mushroom frags from my lfs. to frag xenia, cut it near the bottom with scissors, take a toothpick and poke it through the stem about an inch from the bottom. secure it to a piece of rock with an elastic band and put it in higher flow until it attaches (3-5 days). to frag mushrooms, cut shroom near the base and cut into pizza slices making sure a piece of the mouth (center) is part of the new frag. place on rock and wrap in wedding vail. wait a few days for them to attach and bring to the lfs for $$$$ or store credit!!!!!!
That's a good idea. I think I am going to try the cut/scrub method and try to remove the mushrooms that way. Seems to be the least detrimental to the rest of my tank.