Must Have for all ... Battery Operated pumps


Premium Member
Well we've had power out here part of last night, then it was on this morning and out again all day from around noon till about 30 minutes ago. ( over 12 hours today and 16 hours total in just over a 24 hour span)

I've been running 2 battery operated air pumps in the 55 gallon and one in the Aquapod and I think everything looks okay. Won't be able to tell for sure till lights come on in the tanks tomorrow.

Just a reminder to any of you who don't have some on hand that the best time to buy some battery operated air pumps is before you need them. The ones I really like are the kind that you plug in and turn on. If they sense power, they stay off and then if they sense the power stop, they'll automatically start. I usually set those up on my tanks whenever I go on vacation.

Sure was happy to have them on hand for this deal!

Where did you find air pumps like that? Got a link or something?

PS Check your PMs
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The ones I have are Penn-Plaxx. I thought I got them at Kermit's but it might have been through Drs. Foster Smith. I remember buying some locally and then had others, plus batteries, shipped FEDEX to my housesitter after Hurricane Elvis because both were sold out here.

I'll keep an eye out for them.

Roger with the PMs will check now.