I started this hobby in late June with my 46 gallon. Eventually I plan on having a SPS only tank. After battling the notorious noobness frustration into this hobby, the last two weeks have been going very well. I have kept optimal water parameters and have everything set. I purchased a purple montipora digitata frag from my lfs over a month ago as a discount since it wasn't doing too well in there 100g with a 36'' PC fixture. It wasn't purple, it was a lighter brown. Now I have noticed a little growth and has turned a deep brown color with some green tint (especially in these last two weeks). Being somewhat fresh to the hobby, what type of growth do I expect out of this thing, anyone have some pictures that could share with me? Also, I really do not feed the tank at all with food, I only have two fish, do I need to do anything special to feed sps coral? Or just let them rely on the light? I have done tons of research, but would like some experience outlook on things before I continue to add frags of sps, thanks...