My 1st Mushroom Frag


New member
Picked up my first mushroom frag from LFS today, and to my pleasant surprise there were about 5 zoanthid polyps hiding under the mushroom. My intention was to place the mushroom in a little "cave" for less light (although I only have 330W VHO.) Now, with the appearance of the zoas, I'm wondering about my positioning decision. With VHO, do I need to worry about "shading" the shroom or should I place where light can properly get to the zoanthids? Zoas seem to be stretching up to reach more light.
I guess my impression was that mushrooms were happier in lower flow/ lower light locations. Thanks in advance!
they usually dont like a lot of bright light depending on the shroom but zoos and shrooms rquire about the same amount of light\care
If they're reaching up for more light they're good candidates for relocation ;) Chop/peel them off and glue them to another rock. Just something to think about.
Do a little experimenting around to find the best placement. It took me weeks to find where my shrooms are happy. Although I have quite a bit of flow...
Well, the mushroom is definately happy ... zoanthids are entirely covered by the mushroom. Which probably explains why I didn't see them at the LFS. I think I'll leave 'em alone for now, but looks like I may need to try my hand at cutting them apart at some point.