My 25 Gallon Nuvo


New member
System Specs:

Lighting: 2x AI Primes
Filtration: Liverock, Reef Ceramic Spheres in an upflow reactor, IM Gadget Skimmer (ran on a 12on/12off cycle), polyfilter, carbon, phosguard
Flow: RLSS Waveline 2500, Tunze 6040
Temperature: Finnex 100 watt heater
Dosing: Vertex Libra with Vessels, using ME products
Maintinence: Not much. Maybe a gallon water change every few months. Evaporation is controlled with a Tunze Osmolator and I feed the tank LRS fish frenzy and live phyto every day or two.

- Plesiops coeruleolineatus (Japanese Collected)
- 2 x Percula Clownfish (Female is SA Full Bar Onyx Percula, male is wild collected from Solomon Islands)
- Hawaiian Collected Golden Domino Damsel
- Common 3 Stripe Damsel
- Common Niger Trigger
- Common Raccoon Butterfly

- Invertebrates include a variety of xenia, nepthea, lobophytum, lemnalia, cespithularia, rhodactis, and other soft corals

4 gallon tank is nothing but an air stone and a 6000k par 38 lamp.It is used for breeding berghia nudibranchs and general macroalgae

Heres a Video....


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I cant see the trigger or butterfly I hope they are not in that small of a tank...

Anywho great looking setup. Nice clowns and I love all the softies
I cant see the trigger or butterfly I hope they are not in that small of a tank...

Anywho great looking setup. Nice clowns and I love all the softies

Check the video in the first post. Everyone's swimming around there. I killed the flow and that spooked all the fish except for the clowns
Heres the plesiops too. Honestly it's tank for him and the clowns. I've had them for a long long time.


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Tank was a lot of SPS just a few months ago, you change it up a lot don't you?

And why a trigger in a 25 gallon tank?
Tank was a lot of SPS just a few months ago, you change it up a lot don't you?

And why a trigger in a 25 gallon tank?

Heater failure in the summer. Got over SPS and went simple. I've done fancy Zeo Reefs and NPS tanks and all that jazz. I don't work in the SW fish industry anymore so I really wanted something low maintenance. I'm really happy with how the tank turned out.

Also the trigger is adorable.
I should go on the record and say the trigger is only an inch long. He is well fed a variety of LRS fish frenzy and shelled clams. He is well taken care of and displays no aggression towards the fish or other inverts. Naturally as he grows or things change he will be relocated.

Niger triggers are one of the more inexpensive aggressive fish out there. How many get purchased from Petco by hobbyists who have no idea what they're doing and fed poor diets?

Now my golden domino is aggressive. She will have to go soon if she doesn't calm down. I introduced the niger because it was the only thing that could hold its own with the damsel, a breeding pair of clowns, and a rather aggressive plesiops.
Managed to get a picture of all the fish out


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Quick candid from last night. Like you can see everything.

Also a picture of the back. Pretty simple. Mechanical filtration (polyfilter and Aquaclear filter foam), skimmer, and a CPR reactor with Reef Ceramic Spheres.


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As long as you do what you say, then I see no problem. A lot of people say that and they never manage to rehome the fish. Tank is looking great!
Some pics from tonight .


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do you think its wise to keep a domino with a pair of clowns?

I have a domino and I'm trying to see If a pair of clowns would work.