My 250 gallon hobby!

Hi everyone...

I am just starting out and I am having a 250 gallon tank built. I've attached my plan to this post and I would love some feedback. Any comments would be much appreciated! Please be honest as I am still learning in this hobby and need all the input.

Thanks in advance,


yea bro sounds great cant wait to se the finishedd product, and oh by the way some of the animals u listed dont really get along like peppermint shrimp , the coral banded shrimp, and the cleaner shrimp..... they all might fight ...... and coral beauty angel wont get alon with the flame angel..... same goes for alll dwarf agels.

good luck man
Good luck with this new hobby! I have the same 5 shrimp in my 55 gallon tank and they do great together. Just be cautious with adding the angels if you plan to have corals. Some will nip and some will not...and that's within the same species! Add your mandarin later unless you know he will eat more than pods. Enjoy!
i disagree with the dwarf angel statements.......if you introduce the fish at the same time you will be fine.
look into pan world pumps rather than the little giants. I had little giants and one crapped out on me after a modest 2 yrs of service. The panworld adds less heat to the tank, is slightly quiter and flows more than a similarly rated LG.

Also look into matching your skimmer flow to your sump flow.

Look into some other wrasses other than the plain jane sixlines. There are SOOOOO many out there. Same can be said for a lot of your other run of the mill fish on the list. I love nasos and a lot of the other fish, but you are setting up a big tank and spending a lot of money on hardware and equipment. buy some more collector quality livestock. maybe a blue or orange spotted rabbit fish or a few anthias. Again though, check out some more colorful wrasses
I would check to be sure that the 5/8 acrylic is going to be strong enough for that length of tank. IMHO I would go with at least 3/4 if not 1" thick.
my tank is 96"x36"x27.5" tall. it has a slight bow in the middle, nothing to worry about though.. i got it for a good price (1600) cdn and free delivery!!..
i also made a 4x4x12" tall tank out of 1/4" acrylic about 150g's it has only corner braces, and theres no bowing on it.