New member
After when my old system 970L
crashed in July 2015 (aquarium leaked) I decided to build new one 730L.
I sold almost all animals from the previous tank so I had to bought new fish and corals. Only p.hepatus, c.hawaiiensis, and 4 corals are from the previous tank. I've used old equipment, just ordered new aquarium
Start: October 2015,
60kg rock (live and dry reef rock mixed), bare bottom system
Dimension: 160x80x57h [cm] , 730L
Lighting: T5 ATI Powermodule 10x80w
Circulation: 4xTunze 6105 with 7095 Multicintroller
Skimmer: Aqua Special Red Skim prestige 250
Return pump: Laguna 10.000L/h
Fluidized filter 1: RowaPhos
Fluidized filter 2: Ultra Carb L Fauna Marin
Water level control: Tunze osmolator universal 3155
Paracanthurus hepatus
Ctenochaetus hawaiiensis
Chelmon rostratus
Acanthurus achilles
Zebrasoma flavescens
Naso lituratus
Pseudocheilinus hexataenia
Calloplesiops altivelis
Amphiprion ocellaris x3
Pseudanthias squamipinnis x7
SPS (mostly acropora) nad LPS
pseudogorgonia sp.
zoanthus sp.
22 October 2015:
31 October 2015:
14 November 2015:
After when my old system 970L
crashed in July 2015 (aquarium leaked) I decided to build new one 730L.
I sold almost all animals from the previous tank so I had to bought new fish and corals. Only p.hepatus, c.hawaiiensis, and 4 corals are from the previous tank. I've used old equipment, just ordered new aquarium

Start: October 2015,
60kg rock (live and dry reef rock mixed), bare bottom system
Dimension: 160x80x57h [cm] , 730L
Lighting: T5 ATI Powermodule 10x80w
Circulation: 4xTunze 6105 with 7095 Multicintroller
Skimmer: Aqua Special Red Skim prestige 250
Return pump: Laguna 10.000L/h
Fluidized filter 1: RowaPhos
Fluidized filter 2: Ultra Carb L Fauna Marin
Water level control: Tunze osmolator universal 3155
Paracanthurus hepatus
Ctenochaetus hawaiiensis
Chelmon rostratus
Acanthurus achilles
Zebrasoma flavescens
Naso lituratus
Pseudocheilinus hexataenia
Calloplesiops altivelis
Amphiprion ocellaris x3
Pseudanthias squamipinnis x7
SPS (mostly acropora) nad LPS

pseudogorgonia sp.
zoanthus sp.
22 October 2015:

31 October 2015:

14 November 2015: