My clown fish is acting weird


Active member
Hi guys and gals,

For the past two weeks or so, the smallest of my two clowns is been hiding inside a rock 90% of the time. He is not even coming up to eat. I have been target feeding him with a turkey baster and he looks very healthy when he comes out, but most of the time he is hiding.

Parameters are all fine, nothing has changed in my routine, I've had them for around a year now and everything else looks great.

Oh, I'll take this chance to share some pictures of the latest corals I got at the Frag swap at Mosi. They are doing great.

Here are my theories:
  • He is sick and about to die (I hope not)
  • He is watching over some eggs I can't see because the rock is way in the back and looking to the back panel (If so, what now?)
  • Like everything else in my household, he is going crazy. (This one make the most sense to me)


Ok, that looks like a designer variant of an ocellaris or percula, so as long as you don't have two females, you should be fine. Are any of your other fish chasing the male?
Looks like a mocha percula. I had a perc do that too, then he stopped one day just as fast as I noticed he was hiding... All I can say is because clownfish. Lol
I have no definitive answer on the clown, but I will say this, I have a pair or clowns and one of them, if what I read would be the male because he is smaller, he wigs out now and then, hides in the corner of the back of the tank near the surface, I always think the worst and then he snaps out of it. Over the last 4 years he has done this maybe a dozen times, lasts a few days, a week, maybe a tad longer. Then he goes back to his normal routine of hanging with the other clown and dive bombing the mushrooms in the tank.
I wish you/the clown the best, but honestly what can you do other than wait?

Good luck sir
I have no definitive answer on the clown, but I will say this, I have a pair or clowns and one of them, if what I read would be the male because he is smaller, he wigs out now and then, hides in the corner of the back of the tank near the surface, I always think the worst and then he snaps out of it. Over the last 4 years he has done this maybe a dozen times, lasts a few days, a week, maybe a tad longer. Then he goes back to his normal routine of hanging with the other clown and dive bombing the mushrooms in the tank.
I wish you/the clown the best, but honestly what can you do other than wait?

Good luck sir

Good info and example. I agree with you. Nothing to do but wait it out. I find your story very funny too. My female clown also decide recently to start diving into the Toadstool at random intervals.

It feels like when you forget something in the stove cooking, realize it and start running from the other room to the kitchen. This clown is just doing it's thing on the anemone and all of the sudden starts swimming fast towards the toadstool and hits it. Then she goes back to her anemone.

Fun to watch... LOL