My continued tank problems with dying coral


New member
I have included a photo of my my tank plague looks like. I have changed water like crazy and cannot seem to stop the spread of this which has killed many an acro. I have a 180/ 3 250 Halides at 14k, chiller, protein skimmer, DSB and CA is 400, dKH is 8 and no nitrates. I am not sure what to do
How are your phosphates? Also, do you have any fish or anything else that could bother the coral? And lastly, how far from the light in your birds nest, it is birds nest right? My nest likes light but hates being right under it. I would not extend polyps at all until I moved it to a lower light area.
What's your water tank temperature?Any full tank pics ?Have you done any other water tests?(ammonia,nitrites).
Hopefully you'll solve the problem.

My corals always did the same until I removed my sand bed and went bare-bottom. Live rock on glass, lots of flow.

I have seen amazing systems with sand, but for my setup, barebottom has been a g-d-send!

good luck.
I have had the same problem, as well. Deffinantly do some more water tests, and post the parameters.

For me, it was definantly my phosphates. They were above 1, which is bad. I put in some PhosGuard, and it seemed to help with the rapid coral deaths.
That's what it looked like when my acro was eaten by flatworms, then again I'm still new to all of this.
I do have a trace of phosphates in the tank. So, I will attack that. It is sad to watch this happen and not know what to do.

Look reallllllllyyyy close and see if there are red bugs. I've lost a few acros to these little buggers in the past.