My electric plans.


Active member
What Am I missing?
I have 4 20 amp Circuits W/GFI's

Circuit 1 has a DC4HD attached with 4/ Outlets on other side with only a phosban Reactor so far

Circuit 2 has a DC4HD attached with 4/ Outlets on other sidewith only my seq return pump

Circuit 3 has a DC8 attached with 4/ Outlets

Circuit 4 has 4 outlets with my om4way Closed loop and Dart attached also is a Auto Backup battery for my ACIII and Tunze's incase of power failure.

So what am I missing and what do you think?

250wHeater________________20 AmpGFI_______1-Phosban

250wHeater_____________20 Amp GFI ______1-SEQ Return
T5's 8 54's (432 watts)

Kalc Reactor________________20 AmpGFI
Calc Reactor
Stand Fan
Exaust Fan
Refuge Light

20 AmpGFI______1-OM4way Dart

Battery Backup Supply
Tunze Controller
Tunze6100 Tunze6100

controllers will be mounted to left of the single gfi boxes

Build thread Link :
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Probably the Refuge light onto the dc8 if you want to time it.
proteim skimmer pump outlet?
possibly an outlet for a small pump to bring water to your calcium reactor
a controlled outlet for you co2 solenoide.
an outlet for you under cabinet light (if you have one)
an outlet for a pump for the fluidize reactor
an outlet for the reverse osmosis solenoide
an outlet for the Automatic water top off controller and /or feeding pump

I'll write more if I can come up with anything else
Btw if anyone has a few mins today or tomorrow to come by. this ELECTRIC planning is driving me crazy. I could use another set of eyes to help on the planning. I live in hollywood.
I'm trying to get away with out one(hope ...hope...) . That's why I'm adding the 1000g geo thermal cistern loop. If you read the build thread, there is a whole discussion about what I'm going to try and do. Basically add a large poly tank at 6 feet where the earth is usually 76 degrees all year round. the hope is that adding that much water and keeping it cool will help keep the heat down. We will see what happens. Thanks for catching that though and trying to help out.

Cool (no pun intended), there are several of us in the club (but not me) with geothermal coolers. Im sure you already know who they are. JOHNNY
my thought process is a chiller for just my tank and sump would need to handle 1000g. that means 1.5-2hp chiller. we are talking 1500-2k for that. add in prob 50-75$ a month to run it and you see why I'm going to try this geo thermal idea

Again if any one has a few mins today to come over and give me another persective i'd appreciate it a lot. This is my first big reef tabk and I would love some of your inputs.
I could probably stop by l8r today, I am Babysitting now until early afternoon and then I shall be "free" for a couple of hours, Pm your phone number and I will call you as soon as I am ready.