My First Coral/Mushroom


New member
So I finally ventured into the world of corals. I purchased this nice looking green mushroom. I believe it's a yuma. It was my second choice. the one I really wanted was a ricordea at the lfs, but it turned out to be a maxi mini. I got my shroom home, dripped it, then gave it one last swish in some tank water to wash off anything from the store. I don't have any coral rx or anything similar right now. It was closed up when I put it in the tank. I placed it on a ledge and put a plastic cup over it, held down with a rubber band so that it wouldn't move around in the tank. Today it was open a bit, but not attached. Any idea how long it might take for it to attach? Thanks Eddie Ed
Heres what I do. get a small, sterile container, like gladware. place some rubble in the bottom and then put your mushroom in the cup. Find some kind of mesh fabric that you can cover the top of the container with and then use a rubber band to attach the fabric to the container. Also, put the container somewhere in the tank where it wont get direct light. After 3 or 4 days check to see if it has attached to the rubble. If it has, then simply use gel super glue to glue it to your live rock. Also, dont glue your shroom to live rock that will be in a strong current. They will detatch themselves and blow away
Thanks for the reply. I will have to find some mesh. I don't have any rubble unfortunately. That's why I was trying the cup. I will have to find a piece of pyrex large enough to fit one of my large rocks.

Eddie Ed
I know its an old post, but you live in FL, could go to the beach and grab some shells (make sure there are no critters living in them already) and boil them a couple of times to get rid of anything on them. Then add them to your cup and then add the shroom in. My recent purchase of an orange/yellow ric wasn't attached, I put it in a shell that I collected from FL on one of my vacations down there.