My first coral...


New member
Picked this up earlier today and it already looks happy to me. However it was only labeled mushroom. It looks familiar to me, but I have been looking at so many pictures lately they all seem to run together anymore.

Anyone have an exact id on this critter please?




With flash

I think it is so pretty but with a little more info than just mushroom, I could provide for it a little better.

Thank you in advance, any help is appreciated. :)
Your basic green hairy mushroom ;)
I'm not even sure of the genus, but it does not get big like some of the huge elephant ear mushrooms do.
I've got a rock of 'em almost identical to yours. Started as one coral (also my first) almost 4 years ago. There are now 7 on the rock. I don't do anything for them. They're in medium/low flow and medium/low light...very easy to keep. Enjoy!
Here's an old pic of mine.

Well this is a good thing. Since now i know what it is exactly i've done some reading and I don't think I could have picked a better first coral.
Hey WT :D

They are really good corals that can adapt under many lighting situations, strong & weak. Also hardy under many conditions.
Not a bad starter coral there... even though it's technically a corallimorph ;) That was one of my first too, and it's doing quite well despite being torn apart by a hydor-flo when my powerhead slipped one time. It completely healed in a month with no signs of the ordeal it went through. They're quite hardy :D
Will the "hairs" get longer like the one shown in Mariner's post? and someone mentioned on another forum that it looked bleached, does it? Being this is my first one, I'm not sure what I am looking for. :)
The camera flash in your last pic makes it look a little washed out, but I don't think it looks bleached at all in the other shots.