My first ric


Made a trip to the lfs this morning and arrived just as there order went in. I spotted this instantly and did not hesitate to purchase it. I've had my eye out for one of these for quite some time :).

Front view

Side view
No i dont mind at all. It was 40 dollars cad. but it didnt matter to me at the time haha i said bag it up before i even asked. I love seeing pics of these and now i have one :)
Wow thats a great first ric, my first were green/purple and a bit dull. you paid alot but it was well worth it, great specimen.
Yea compared to some i've read about, mine was a little steep. But considering my lfs hardly ever gets them in, and when it does there gone instantly, just like i got it today when it first came in. Plus i looked into ordering them and with shipping it would've been substantially more. But other then the price i'm quite satisfied.
I just bought a nice new orange one yesturday too. It was almost split and has 2 mouths and my LFS only charged me for one. ($28)
I was pretty excited.
wow that is lucky. how long does it take for one to split?does it depend on certain things or just whenever it feals right to?
not sure on exactly what makes them split faster I would start with water flow. You really didnt pay that much considering it is from a LFS. Even when you buy on internet they may be half the price but after shipping your right back where you started. The only way to really save is buy in bulk off the internet or some single polyps off RC or local club forums. If you decide you want some more you should PM ME I can help you out with that you can see mine under the thread It's Getting there!
Nice looking ric :D

Mine took a while to start splitting. I think it was about 6 months. It was a new tank, and I was new at reefing. My two have now grown to about 8 or 10. I just leave them to split and grow when they're ready.
Thanks, i got him in the bottom corner just barley catching the flow passing by. So it should be just enough to keep debris settling on it.