My first SPS


New member
Yay! Got my first sps, maybe second, got something as a frag that might be one. Anyway its off white and blue/purplish tips, really cool, hope he makes it! :D Aynthing special for feeding he needs or just light?
Lol, I will get pics when its done acclimating in the bag. Man, it has a 1 inch peg on it, can you cut that off with regular scissors? I won't be able to place it anywhere.
yeah...if it's encrusted onto the plug I'd leave can trim it down...but don't get near the coral. Or you can just put it in a hole or between rocks

pix please...wanna see
Um, if encrusted means like growing around and on the plug then yes, we did cut it but right under that part. We have it sitting on a rock now, hope it does ok. Water level is low and my RO/DI unit quit putting out water so I can't do my water change either. I could use tap water but I prefer not to.
The polyps on acroporas should be blowing around a lot right? Mine barely moves if any at all. Man I have no place in my tank to put this thing, without glue anyway.
I think it could be purple monster, cream base with purpleish tips on it. Anyway, the polyps came out a bit more, when I explained it, it was just newely entered in the tank and we were playing with it cutting that peg off etc. The polyps came out a bit more and you can see them moving around some because of the flow. I might leave it where it is.
I can grab a pic of it if I can figure out the camera. In the camera it looks like a big blob of crystal white when you look at it. Maybe because of the white balance and it kind of shows just all white? Maybe I will turn the white balance off when I try taking a pic. If you want a pic to determine what it is for me let me know, thanks for the help too.