me myself & I
Premium Member
I have some questions about my live rock order. I ordered 20 pounds of the Kaeline Tonga cured live rock and I received it yesterday. Now here in Cleveland Ohio where I live it was in the 20's. I would have thought that the rock would have had heat packs in it. I don't know how great of a effect cold weather has on the rock but I can't imagine it's all that good for it. My rocks were freezing cold when I opened them up. About 75% of the coralline has turned white. I'm not an expert and haven't had as much experience with this hobby as most people but when the rock is white does it mean it's dead? Granted the rock didn't smell horrible so maybe that's a good sign I think. I want to give the rock and your company a chance before I give up on it. So my question is are the rocks dead or will they come back to life? I know on the site it says it's normal for the rocks to look very faded until is cycled and then it will look like the ones in the picture do my rocks stand a chance to look like the ones on the website? Can live rock really survive basically being frozen? I'm not trying to knock your business but I have a lot of questions about this issue and want to feel like I wasn't sold bad rocks. Please help.